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3 possible ways to suffer a burn in a car crash

Car accidents are not exactly rare in the Keystone State. In fact, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there are about 15 automobile crashes every hour. Even if you have managed to avoid a collision so far, you may eventually have to contend with one. 

While you may expect to sustain a variety of injuries, ranging from broken bones to a concussion, in a car crash, you may not realize you have a burn risk. Still, a serious burn may result in life-limiting consequences. Here are three possible ways to suffer a burn in a car crash:

1. Hot components

Most vehicles on the road today have an engine operating temperature between 195 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly, exhaust components may be as hot as 200 degrees. Accordingly, some car components produce heat that is more than sufficient to burn human skin.

2. Automotive fires

Even though modern vehicles do not usually burst into flames after a collision, car fires sometimes happen. The burn risk from an automotive fire is two-fold. First, flames may burn your skin. Hot smoke and fumes may also singe your lungs. Unfortunately, because car fires often have a ready supply of fuel, quickly extinguishing blazes is sometimes difficult.

3. Chemical contact

While high temperatures and flames have the potential to burn your skin, you can sustain a burn without touching a heat source. Many substances inside a vehicle’s engine, such as gasoline and brake fluid, may also burn your skin. Furthermore, the chemicals some airbags release may cause eye, mouth, esophagus and lung burns. 

You simply cannot control the actions of other drivers. As such, even if you drive reasonably, you may eventually suffer a serious burn in a car crash. Fortunately, if someone else’s negligent, careless or intentional conduct caused your burn, you may be able to receive fair compensation to help you better cope. 
