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Property damage in fender benders is compensable

Driving a car is a hazardous activity. The likelihood that an individual will be involved in a car accident in their lifetime is fairly high. That is not to say everyone who drives will be involved in a serious car crash. But, it is plausible to surmise that people who drive on a regular basis will be involved in some type of minor car accident. Minor car accidents where no injuries result and there is very little damage are often referred to as fender benders. These accidents are quite common.

In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Rex Ryan, the head coach of the New York Jets, was involved in a car crash. There were no injuries as a result of the accident. According to reports, Ryan was driving and collided with another vehicle on West Third Street. A witness told police investigators that Ryan ran a red light, which caused the accident. The police gave Ryan a warning but no citation was issued. Authorities are awaiting another witness’ statement before completing their accident investigation.

Even though this accident did not result in injury to the persons involved, there may have been damage to the cars. People who are in accidents and whose cars are damaged are entitled to compensation. In situations like these, normally the at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy will pay for the damage. However, if an uninsured party is at fault in a car collision, then the courts may have to step in to resolve the conflict.

Sometimes car accidents are unavoidable. Nevertheless, accident victims are often left with property damage expenses through no fault of their own. In such cases, a victim deserves compensation, and an experienced personal injury lawyer can help a person recover any expenses they incurred due to someone else’s negligence.

Source : 6 ABC Action News, “NY Jets coach Ryan involved in Bethlehem crash,” Dennis Waszak Jr., Jan. 23, 2013